Simple Ways to Repot Succulents ( Easy Beginner Guide )

Repotting the succulents can be a daunting task for even experienced gardeners. However, the succulents are just perfect for growing in the dry summer heat.

They require a good environment and nothing much for survival. Further, know the right time to repot succulents. Succulents are firstly put in the smaller pots. They then outgrow these pots and put them in the bigger ones.

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When to Repot the Succulents?

  • When the roots get too tight, they stick out of the pots to be grown separately. 
  • Water is not getting soaked, or the soil gets drained too fast even after watering. 
  • The plants start looking unhealthy
  • The plants are getting toppled over the pots. 

Most of the succulents grow indoors, but when they outgrow the pots, they are planted outdoors. 

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How to Repot the Succulents?

1. Repot the old plants from the pots

Suppose it is a large pot growing the plants; it’s best to take a stick to remove the soil. 

Likewise, be careful so that you don’t hurt the stem. If the roots are small, you can turn the pots upside down to get the plants out. 

2. Start to dry the root system.

Tapping the roots will get the dirt off after getting hold of the succulents out from the pot. Besides, you can even clean it with water to get the roots ready.

Many times the roots can grow too long. It’s best to trim the roots in that case. If you use water to clean the roots, place the plants in a dry place for about 5 days. 

3. Putting the plants in new pots

Take a new pot and place the plants right there. Repotting succulents require the pots to be covered with dry soil. Further, allow the plants to recover before watering them again. 

Don’t give much water to the roots since it is still fragile at this point. If the plants start to flower, don’t grow succulents out of them. Repotting the plants might stop the flowers from growing.

 The roots can’t soak much water during the repotting succulents’ time. So, be careful of how much water you are giving to the plants. 

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How Often Can You Repot the Succulents?

If you have experience in repotting succulents, you can do it occasionally. Then, whenever you feel there is a need for it, you can try it out. 

  • All the younger plants grow faster, and they come out of the pots sooner. Therefore, they need to be repotted in regular intervals to stop their roots from growing. 
  • The matured plants don’t grow too soon, and you can repot them every 2 to 3 years. 
  • Some of the succulents outgrow very fast, and they are growing all over your home. Secondly, you can cut the roots slightly to bring a stop to the growth. This way, you can enjoy the succulents a little longer. Don’t overdo the process, or it will harm the plants. 

Many people prefer repotting the succulents every 18 months to two years to protect the plants. However, keep an eye on the plants and do repot when the plants require it. 

What is the Best Season for Growing Succulents?

Most of the plants grow just before the dormant period. There are two categories of succulents: one that goes dormant in summers and another that goes dormant in winters. 

The succulents going dormant in winters thrive in spring seasons and summers. Therefore, you can repot them in early spring before their growth phase begins. On the other hand, all the succulents that go dormant in summers grow only during winters. 

There is even a third category that doesn’t go dormant at all. 

When in home environments, you can grow them in perfect conditions. Besides, you can even grow them with a lamp. 

Make sure the succulents get 12 hours of light with a constant temperature between 65 to 75oF. Water the plants when the soil goes dry, and the succulents will grow beautifully. It’s best to fertilize the soil every 4 to 6 months. 

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Tips to keep in Mind while Planting Succulents

1. Type of containers

If the succulents are from online stores, plant them in containers as soon as possible. Then, you can move them to large terra cotta pots containing drainage holes. 

Likewise, ceramic or plastic pots also work the best. But the containers should include some drainage holes in them. 

2. Consideration of the soil

Succulents grow best in soils that don’t hold water. Adding pumice to gardening soil helps in soaking the water. Besides, you can buy succulent friendly soil from the local nursery and use it. 

Also, you can make the soil with acceptable barks, crushed granite. All these options help in pulling excess water from the ground. 

3. Watering of the succulents

Succulents are native to the deserts, and so they don’t need too much watering. You can water the succulents every 2 to 3 weeks. 

If the plants have been overly watered, take them from the wet soil and allow them to dry. Or else overwatering can lead to root rot. 

Succulents Repotting for Propagation

Most of the succulents are very easy to propagate if they grow in good conditions. Moreover, the pots can sometimes contain many babies with no place in the same pots to grow.

Please wait for the time the plants have finished their dormancy period. Then, after removing the succulent from the pots, cut the babies right from the mother. 

Save the cut babies in other pots and let them dry for some days.

Succulents require significantly fewer fertilizers. It is necessary only when you are repotting them for the first time in fresh soil. Then, wait for some months before adding fertilizers to the succulents.


Follow all the rules for growing them, and you will get beautiful plants in your homes. These succulents are very easy to grow. Observe what the succulents want, and you can repot accordingly. 

Firstly, find out if the succulents are summer or winter growers. Then, repot them before their season and watch them grow amazingly. 

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