How to Kill Tree Stump? ( Easy Explanation )

What a tree stump means will vary from person to person. Some people would love to have it in their garden or backyard, while others would prefer not to be present after the tree is removed. 

In this article, I’ll go over the various methods for killing a tree stump, along with a simple step-by-step guide.

Fact: Tree Stumps may show the age-defining rings of a tree. The study of these rings is known as dendrochronology.

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Why should you kill a tree stump?

Tree stumps should be dealt with as soon as the tree is removed. Long-standing stumps can create a considerable amount of annoyance to you as well as to the neighbours like :

  1. The roots shall decay and becomes home to several types of fungi and other organisms.
  2. If covered by grass over time, you may run over it without notice causing an accident.

Indeed, a tree stump can be dangerous over a period. It is suggested to kill it completely, and we will learn how to do so with ease.

Also, if you can rot the tree stump correctly by following our guide, you can create a fantastic stump garden. 

Step by Step Guide to Kill Tree Stump

A tree stump can be killed in one of three methods

1. Epsom Salt treatment

2. Sun Shield

3. Burning the Stump

All three methods are equally effective. The methods are chosen based on your convenience. 

Epsom Salt Treatment for killing Tree Stump

Epson Salt treatment is a cost-effective method to kill the tree stump. However, this method takes months to kill the stump. So, if you are looking for a quicker process, then this might not suit your requirement. 

When we say salt, we mean Epsom or rock salt, not table salt. The table salt will wreak havoc on the coil as well as the surrounding plants. The best option is rock salt, which has no harmful impact on the environment.

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Alternatively, for a faster process, a chemical can replace the salt. It could be a standard stump remover or any herbicide. At the same time, one must keep an eye out for nearby plants. The chemical herbicides may endanger the plants in the area.

Step 1: Drill Holes on the Tree Stump

Use a good drilling machine and drill holes on the top of the stump. Inspect the holes to ensure that they are properly spaced. 

Watch out for the dimensions of the holes. Let the spot be 3⁄4 to 1 inch in width and 8 to 12 inches in depth. Drilling deeper ensures the root gets saturated.

What if you do not have a drill bit that long? You can use a hand drill to make deep holes. At times, the stumps may have aerial roots. If that’s the case, drill holes in it as well.  

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Step 2: Fill Tree Stump with Salt and Seal it with wax

Next, fill the holes with rock salt. You can fill it up to 3/4th of its depth. Take an unscented candle and light it so that the wax seals every hole that you have filled with salt. Plugging the holes shall ensure that the salt stays inside the spot for a more extended period. 

Also, please take care not to scatter the salt all over the garden. As it may spoil the surface soil of your garden.

Step 3: Cover the Stump with a non-porous material

You can use a tarp, a plastic bag or any other non-porous material. The idea is to shield the entire stump from sunlight, eventually killing the stump. Even if it rains, it does not shoot any leaves. 

The process takes at least six weeks for the stump to die. Stubborn stumps may even take a longer duration. So please keep checking on the progress and always protect it from sunlight.

Sun Shield Method to Kill Tree Stump

Sun Shield is the most time-consuming method for tree stump killing but entirely free of cost. It is similar to the last step discussed in the previous method. But here, you have to cover the stump with a non-porous material for several months. 

If you find few saplings growing, chop them and do not allow them to grow. Continuous monitoring is required until it completely dies. 

Burning the Tree Stump to Kill It

This method is considered one of the best ways to kill the tree stump faster. However, it must be checked with the authorities before trying this method in your jurisdiction. This is due to restrictions on open fires. Alternatively, call the fire department and check with them about this.

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Step 1: Drill Holes on the Tree Stump

Use a top-rated drilling machine and drill into the stump’s top. Space the holes appropriately. Be careful with the hole dimensions. Leave the hole at ¾ inches in width and 12 inches in depth. A more profound drilling process burns down the root system.

Step 2: Fill the Holes with Kerosene

Here, use kerosene in place of rock salt. First, thoroughly drench the stump with kerosene.  

You can also place charcoal or dry wood on top of the stump to burn it down. The charcoal shall burn through the holes and kill the stump.

Step 3: Build the Fire

Finally, be it kerosene or charcoal, put some wood scraps and burn them. Wait till the stump catches fire from the wood scrap. You may also add more wood if required. 

We suggest you not leave the set-up unattended. Keep watching as it burns down. The time taken for the stump to burn down depends on its size. 

Step 4: Remove the Ash and Fill the Soil

After the stump has burned down, altogether remove the ash and fill the hole with fresh soil.

These are the different ways you can kill a tree stump effectively. Though you may find the methods to be pretty straightforward, it consumes efforts, energy and patience. The processes are quick, no doubt, but there are repercussions for those methods. So choose your Stump killing method wisely.

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